Born and Bred

A Yorkshire Family

Search for People

There are currently a total of "1334" individuals on the Born and Bred ~ A Yorkshire Family web site. The search facility below helps you to find a specific individual or group of individuals rather than using the search facilities on the 'Families' page, which shows all families (surnames) begining with a specific letter.

You can enter a complete name (Given Name and Surname) or just one or the other. You can also use the % wildcard character.

Thus entering a Surname of richards% will find all those individuals with a surname of richards or richardson.

If an individual may have one or more given names and you are unsure about any of the names, then preceed the first name you enter with a % and end the last name you enter with a % e.g. %William%, this will find anyone whose name starts with William or has William as one of their given names.

Finally, it should be noted that all searches are case insensitive.

Happy searching.